mardi 29 septembre 2009

Social Networking Website for Writers,, Announces Writing Contest with Cash Prizes

September 9, 2009 --
JACKSONVILLE, FL – September 9th, 2009 – announced today its latest monthly writing contest topic entitled "Your Best Writing Tips." Xomba writers are asked to submit at least 150 words along with an image (optional) to assist Xomba's mascot "Abmox" with his latest article. Those writers who can help Abmox with his article through writing tips, advice and useful information will be rewarded for their assistance.

Four of the best written and most valuable essays will be selected and winners will receive t-shirts and cash prizes up to $250.

"Online writing isn't just about telling the story," explained Nick Veneris, the CEO of, "We're finding that our successful, profitable writers have skills and understand concepts that reach beyond knowing proper grammar and spelling. This contest is a chance for our members to share those skills and learn from each other." is a social networking site designed to provide a community for those who are interested in writing, reading and sharing a variety of work and opinions. Writers are able to earn money online and are encouraged to publish magazine-like articles or short summaries along with links to information which interests them in order to increase their earnings. With features such as the ability to share, vote for and bookmark favorites, users can keep up with each other and make friends with other writers, all while marketing their work.

"I have had so much fun interacting with people from all walks of life and different countries and cultures," commented Xomba writer Priya Kanwar. "All in all, Xomba is the best and true "social networking" site on the internet." is currently one of the fastest growing, most highly-visited websites based out of Jacksonville, Florida. According to, Xomba is one of the 2,500 most visited websites. Over the last three months, the percentage of global users who visit has increased by 16.2%. The site's top writers are able to bring in anywhere from $300-$500 per month depending on the impact their articles make on the Xomba community.

Xomba regularly holds writing contests to further encourage its members to get out there, write and share their pieces. Xomba consistently hosts a monthly contest in addition to their themed contests that run for two to three months. The current themed contest is entitled "Your Dream Job" with cash prizes of up to $500.

Contest participants are asked to submit their 150 word articles by Midnight on October 9th. Writers must be members of to participate and can submit as many times as they like simply by creating a Xombyte and tagging it "Xomba Writing Contest." Membership on is free and writers from all walks of life are encouraged to join and participate. For more information about this contest visit Xomba's Writing Tips contest information. , writing contest , online writing contest , get paid to write online , writing tips , cash prizes ,

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