mardi 29 septembre 2009

Slap Google News: #1 Secret To Get Into GOOGLE NEWS Within 24 Hours Consistently!

September 2, 2009 -- It is quite difficult to catch Daniel Tan, the intrepid software developer and Internet marketer, but every once in a while we need to do that because of the speed with which he develops well-reviewed products. This time we were on his heels for his new product, interesting titled "Get into Google News", a book that shares the secret of getting any news into Google News within as little as 24 hours. After chasing him for a while, we eventually managed to pin him down to speak about the product.

Daniel Tan formally introduced the product to us, which is his latest book written on the subject on how to get any Press Release into Google News. But there is one aspect that sets it apart from other similar products on the Internet. This package guarantees the presence of the Press Releases on Google News within mere hours of their submission, a day to be precise.

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Google News is one of the leading news services on the Internet. It is directly linked with its sister product, Gmail, which is a leading email service itself. Whenever a news item figures on Google News, it has a great chance of becoming visible on the Internet because of Google’s popularity. It has always been a constant endeavor by Internet marketers to get their Press Releases to show on Google News for that reason. Internet marketers are even paying hundreds to thousands of dollars to get Press Release distribution companies to get their press release into Google News. However, now with the release of Daniel Tan’s

"Get into Google News"

book, this has become quite an easy and doable process.

Here is a small excerpt from the interview we had with Daniel Tan which shows what his visions are relating to his new product Get into Google News.

Interviewer: Did you expect Get into Google News will be so much in the news as it is now?

Daniel Tan: Actually speaking, yes. When someone is in the Internet marketing world as long as I have been, they develop a knack of knowing what everyone is looking for. I know for a fact that many marketers are submitting press releases – some of them as many as one per week – but not getting the results that they hope for. But, all it takes is just one press release and one submission to get into Google News.

Interviewer: Which is what this product is all about?

Daniel Tan: Certainly. This is a secret weapon, an unknown strategy, that can put anyone in the reckoning with Google News in 24 hours. But there is more to it.

Interviewer: Like?

Daniel Tan: See, getting into Google News is just the starting step. The important thing is what happens after that. When your news goes on Google News, the traffic to your website increases substantially and amazingly. It is not just the people who get the news alerts that amount to the traffic, but also the tons of other people to whom they virally market this news. When more people know about a product, there will be more talk about it on the Internet as well. These people will then flock to the Internet. By my projected ideas, it shouldn’t be difficult to bring thousands of visitors to a website and thousands of backlinks with just one press release if they follow the strategies of Get into Google News.

Quite understandably, this new product has taken the Internet marketing world by storm. It is for the first time that a product has been designed to specifically target presence on Google News. The low price of the product is another factor that is making people consider it as a worthwhile purchase. Daniel Tan is riding high on the success of yet another product, but his mind is already busy in hammering out another interesting invention that can benefit the millions of Internet denizens worldwide.

You can get the book at:

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