mardi 29 septembre 2009

Slap Google Back: The #1 Secret To Get 10/10 Quality Score on Adwords Consistently

une 29, 2009 -- TheWire -

We are proud to have this interview with one of the Google Adwords Experts, Daniel Tan, who has consistently scored 10/10 Adwords Quality Score on virtually ANY keywords he wants, at will.

"There are so many guesses and tests running all over the world, even at this couple of minutes, on how to get 10/10 quality score on Adwords, this area of Adwords have been so mysterious. People are investing massive amount of time and money to find out a way to consistently score 10/10 on Google adwords, surprisingly, I have been told, there was no guaranteed way to score 10/10 on Adwords", says this man over this desk, while his personal assistant is serving us a refreshing blend of iced sky-juice with 2 drops of lemonade.

"Adwords Quality Score is dynamic, I agree. However dynamic it is, most keywords in my campaigns are scoring 10/10 great score, I have proved them wrong.

You can consistently get 10/10 Adwords Quality Score if you know how to do it, if I may show you, you will be surprised on how simple it is.


Learn how to do it:

>>Consistent 10/10 Great Adwords Quality Score<<

Obviously, there are some unknown methods on scoring 10/10 Adwords Quality Score. Daniel Tan proceeded to show us 5 of his campaigns targeting hot buying keywords and scoring 10/10. To our surprise, his niches went from 'weight loss' to the currently hottest 'make money with Twitter' niche, including 2 CPA campaigns on free Ipods and XBox.

"I have been in internet marketing for over 4 years now. That's the reason why I have almost every money niches covered. Weight loss is good money, especially if you target the Acai Berry niche, and right now, any Twitter related business is fantastic."

"Look, when you can get 10/10 Adwords Quality Score on any keywords, at will, you will make money in any niche you want. You no longer need to pay $5 for a click in the hottest niche. You will have traffic at your command, and you know it, traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet!"

"Ok, do you know why you need to get 10/10 Adwords Quality Score on your keywords? First, you will be paying 30% less cost compared to if you scored 7/10, which most people did. Second, your ads will be placed higher. Third, due to all these compounded effects, you will score a good CTR with relatively lower cost than your competitors, as such, you have more money to play with them, surface as the winner and win over the competition! It's like hitting the sweet-spot on your tennis racket where everything becomes perfect."

Available here:

Consistent 10/10 Great Adwords Quality Score


There is no need to hire Adwords Professional who charges hefty service free. You can do it yourself. Achieving 10/10 Quality Score on Adwords is not as difficult as most people think. I have proven that to you on the screen just now.


The interview got interesting when he stood up, turned the screen to us, and showed us live, from step by step to get 10/10 Quality Score on Adwords. We chose the keyword "press release" (We knew this is a tough keyword). The whole process took about an hour and we got 10/10 score on the highly competitive "press release" keyword, including a group of other related keywords.

See the proofs here:

Consistent 10/10 Great Adwords Quality Score Proofs

When asked about how much money he is making right now, Daniel Tan informed that he has few business running all at the same time, earning him thousands of dollars a month. The company is hiring 13 degree holders, helping to monitor the sales funnel, reply to inquiries, customer service and continuous product research and development.

This interview was really an eye opener. The methods Daniel Tan showed us live are indeed simple, yet, we have not seen it implemented by anyone else except on his sites.

Daniel Tan has made his methods available for the first time in a PDF file available at Over 535 Adwords advertisers have reported success. Rest assured, knowledge on getting 10/10 Adwords Quality Score will be at your fingertips.

Website at:

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