mardi 29 septembre 2009

Maker of Cool T shirts Creates World's First Wearable Magazine, See It All on Video

Cool T shirts have taken a new direction at T-post, the world's first wearable magazine. To fully understand this social phenomenon T-post has released a video called 'What the F**k' is T-post?'. It features examples of its new graphic T shirts.

Sweden (PRWEB) September 29, 2009 -- Cool T shirts have taken a new direction at T-post, the world's first wearable magazine. To fully understand this social phenomenon T-post has released a video called 'What the F**k is T-post?' at It features examples of its new graphic T shirts.

How Does it Work?
Every six weeks, subscribers receive a new issue in the mail. News story on the inside. Artist interpretation on the front. All-around conversation piece.

For T-post's subscribers, it's an opportunity to share something interesting about the world, about them, and start a dialog with a complete stranger.

For T-post, it's a way to use fashion and art to spread the word about things that are important to them and the world by using one of the best pop culture mediums ever invented -- graphic T shirts. Of course, they couldn't do this without the help of their subscribers, who now span over 50 countries.

Lundgren states, "Every time a subscriber wears an issue of T-post, it means another interpretation of the original story. It becomes their own depending on how they choose to talk about it. And information spreads like a game of Chinese whispers."

The idea for magazines in the form of graphic T shirts was born back in 2004 as a fun project amongst friends. They started out by making the first issue in just five copies. But the word began to spread and the rest, as they say, is history.

A subscription costs 19 EUR per graphic T shirt, and can be delivered anywhere in the world.

What Else is New?
T-post just launched their new site with a new all-subscriber-model-gallery and an animated film called 'What the F**k is T-post?'

T-post newly signed a contract with the US distributor, Chad Rea ( to make T-post more present on the US market. Lundgren states, 'I've been searching for years to find the right person to help introduce T-post to the U.S. market. Chad has the perfect background and experience to help bring T-post to the next level. I feel very fortunate to have him in the T-post Family.'

T-post is now in the final stages of completing the first film in a series of documentaries highlighting people in the T-post family. This first film gives the public a chance to get to know Karin and Carina. Every six weeks they neatly check every single Tee for misprints and holes, and folds and package them to be shipped out to all four corners of the world. But before the package is shipped they singlehandedly check all 2,500 address labels to make sure they are accurate. Karin and Carina are two cool and lovely women and this is our tribute to them. The film is being released this fall. Watch teasers on: (

T-post and its cool T shirts were recently featured in both The Wall Street Journal ( and NYLON Magazine (

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