mardi 29 septembre 2009

Google's First Page Domination - #1 Secret To Dominate Entire First Page of Google! An Interview

August 12, 2009 -- For all the popularity that Daniel Tan has on the Internet, he is as slippery as an eel to get hold of in the offline world. We had an early morning appointment with him when he was returning from his morning workout. Sitting in his exercise gear, he said some interesting things about his tryst with Google. Here are some excerpts.

Get On To Google's 1st Page

>>> See Domination Screen Shot, to Convince Yourself <<<

TheWire: “Daniel, where do you think most online marketers are going wrong with Google today?”

Daniel: “I think we all know the fallacies, but we are too blind to see. Most people still think in a very old-fashioned way about Google. They think that the battle is won if they hit the first result or at least the first page. But that’s not all!”

TheWire: “So there is more to it? Do you mean

Google Domination


Daniel: “Absolutely! Hitting first page is nothing, but you must know how to have your website

dominate the entire first page of Google

. How many marketers that you know can take a keyword – any keyword – and make it come up on the first page Google? How many marketers can ensure their links on the first page, no matter what variation of the keyword anybody from anywhere in the world searches with? You might think it is impossible to achieve that, but if you do, you are dominating the online biz world like nothing else can.”

TheWire: “Very interesting. So, is that possible?”

You Can Dominate The Entire First Page With Your Websites

Daniel: “It is possible, I have been doing that for the past 2 years. I have achieved that already, several times over with many of my businesses. As you know, I am not new in this business. I have worked on various niches and using my own methods, I have hit the sweet spot almost every time. Right from weight loss to legal consultation, I have made keywords work wonders on Google. It is all about dominating the Google first page with any keyword.”

Daniel then went on to show us a host of keywords that he had made appear on the first page. Some of these were very unique keywords that other marketers won’t touch with a bargepole. But this boy genius had made them swing right to the top.

See screenshots of Google Domination

Daniel: “I have kept this to myself for really long. Many students of mine have been dominating Google's first page as well. For the benefit of this interview, I have made the book on the Google Domination Technique available for the first time. It tells how you can have multiple rankings on different keywords, having a great conversion rate, avoiding Google’s duplicate content filter and several other things that most marketers won’t talk about.”

TheWire: “Aren’t you worried you are letting the secret out of the bag?”

Daniel Tan: “There is nothing to worry about. The Internet is a vast space with enough room for all the competition. And, since I can make any keyword work wonders, what harm does it make? In fact, anyone can take any keyword and make it dominate the Google first page. Just think about it –

using this method, you could take any product from any niche and make it a bestseller.

Good Testimonials, Traffic Up, Sales Up!

Daniel’s words ring true. His products have been positively reviewed within merely a week of private announcement. An online marketer with more than 48 sales pages online who has been using Daniel Tan’s technique said, “Our sites were just blossoming buds when we began using Daniel Tan’s methods. But now, we have seen an

increase in sales of as much as 3200%

on our sites, collectively. By any standards, that’s awesome.”

>>> Dominate Google First Page Now <<<

Another client from Chandigarh, India with a budding health website said, “My keywords were all good, but something wasn’t going right. Then a mutual friend told me to use Daniel Tan’s Google dominating technique and it worked. I couldn’t even make out where we were going wrong before! Today, we have more than

1,200 to 3,500

unique visitors per day and we are in strong contention to being awarded best alternative health website in Australia.”

Daniel Has Made His Secret Available! Over 500 Marketers Bought It

With warm feelings about Daniel Tan’s new

Google Domination Book

, we took his leave. We left the busy young man to work on his techniques some more so that he can continue giving the online marketing boost a shot in the arm just as he has done with this Google Domination Book.

Get Google Domination Book Now!

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